Wednesday, November 9, 2011


You have the right to silence--
to contemplation in
The right to seek attorney--
wisely to solicit Counsel's side.
The right to forego further questions--
to curb communication if in too deep.
These are the Miranda Rights
of those who are arrested
by Desire.

I hear the siren 'fore I
ever spy the lights--approaching,
it intensifies, its frequency a
steady rhythm.
My heart pounds louder
at the sound, the muscle seized
with urgency. Dare I
raise my head to witness as
my new life marches in?

The siren slows its whine to rest
behind me as
the officer steps forward. "Ma'am."
He doesn't have to say
what's coming next, the truth
that floats between us like
Hope's unborn
yet unabandoned child.

Desire swiftly turns me 'round
to grab my wrist
and place it firmly 'gainst
my lower spine. I wiggle free
in protest.
His fingers tighten once again
to wrestle 'gainst my will to
stay unconquered.
Anticipation hand-cuffs, sinking
teeth into my skin, and renders
motionless my arms.
My arms relax, enraptured,
unable to resist. It feels delicious.

Once taken in, Anticipation
so swift resigns her post, unbending
wrists so that A Dream recaptures
them for fingerprints. Examining
each tip with gentleness, he
quietly caresses each by each--
the touch exhilerating.
When finished, he escorts me to
Desire's cell, in order
to await Fulfillment's bond.

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