Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Great Granny's Poem

This first poem wasn't written by me but my great grandmother (1913-2005). My cousins, brothers and I called her Great Granny. She was one of my favorite people growing up. She'd feed my brothers and me frozen cool whip as a snack and whenever we'd come over, she always had brownies for us! Her only child, my grandmother, found this poem in the last years of Great Granny's life and, at Grandma's request, my cousin and I were honored to read this at Great Granny's funeral. I am only too certain that these words are all the more true for her today.

“One Beautiful Day”
by Lucille Haynes Klatt, circa 1970

If a magic wand could turn back the years,
take you back to childhood free of all cares,
would you choose a day full of laughter and love
with the warm, bright sun shining down from above,
or would you be weary from toil in the field
as you gather at twilight to partake evening meal?
‘Round the long table filled with home-grown food
the family sat talking in gay loving mood.

In the spring of the year the leaves tender and fresh,
returning from church for an afternoon of rest,
The neighborhood friends drop in for a chat
Wearing blue faded work clothes or best dress and hat.
Then there are school days full of study and play
Beginning September and ending in May.
Parties and singings and church meetings too,
It’s a beautiful world made especially for you.

Nights that are stormy, days filled with rain,
troubles and trials, sadness and pain,
the chain has been broken by death coming in,
closing a door like a cold wet wind.
Sad are the hearts of us as we wait
to follow our loved ones through that pearly gate.
We will gather again one beautiful day
in heaven above as God leads the way.

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