Sunday, November 5, 2017

Eagle's Wings

They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles...
-Isaiah 40:31

Distance reigned as I grew up.
Disorder closely followed.
At times Loneliness, a friend to both,
sidled up to sit beside me
and cradle me inside her arms,
poor girl.
Sleep stole away my hours then,
with laziness and lethargy her strong elixirs,
to mask the pain that hurt too much to feel.
Yet even then, He stood--
Lord over even these--
wings outstretched to cover me.

And then, through life's crescendo,
in a flash the cover vanished.
Panic struck as Mother struck another--
not with hands but force which crumpled both
the car and driver.
Questions hovered as expectations waned.
But live she did--not just days, but weeks
stretched into years,
years later,
with gentle spirit,
dead only to
Past's accusation.

But where was I?
Or, rather, where was He?
Silenced were the voices which, earlier, had called so loud,
replaced now with a deep, deep sorrow
too great for words.
Wordless, there He stood, wings still outstretched,
with tears held in His eyes, the
darkness pushed behind Him,
awaiting orders.
Shadowed by His hand almighty,
there I sat beneath Him
from the storm,
full of grief and yet
still full
of strength
to carry on
and hope eternal.

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